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One winner will be randomly selected Friday, June 30, 2017 at 11:59 PM EST
Today's giveaway is an incredible score of two invaluable tools to promote best practices in the field of assistive technology and ensure proper measures are taken when considerations for AT are made. Thanks to the incredible people at Closing the Gap and CAST Publishing, Where It's AT Subscribers will have a chance to win a one year subscription to Closing the Gap's Solutions [valued at $120] and a copy of CAST Publishing's Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology Guide Book [valued at $50]. Read below to learn more about each of the products available!
Closing The Gap Solutions is an online subscription offering practical, sound assistive technology resources, training and professional development.
To document learning, simply view an archived webinar and, upon completion of webinar viewing, request a certificate of contact hours.
Solutions, a state-of-the-art and cost effective resource, can also be used, and is being used, as a very successful electronic textbook in undergraduate and graduate courses.
What's included....
Written by the Quality Indicators Leadership Team, this publication provides the education field with a valuable and credible resource for evaluating, choosing, deploying, and supporting assistive technology services in K-12 and postsecondary educational environments.
Audiences for this book include:
In subsequent years, the QIAT group conducted online sessions, face-to-face summits, and other conference meetings with more than 4,000 AT providers from 17 countries and across the United States who provided insights and suggestions representing a variety of perspectives ranging from students and families to school staff and policy makers. These conversations (including more than 2,000 written responses) shaped and refined the Quality Indicators.
The QIAT Leadership Team includes 11 education professionals with extensive AT experience. They are (in alphabetical order): Gayl Bowser, Diana Foster Carl, Kelly S. Fonner, Terry Vernon Foss, Jane Edgar Korsten, Kathleen M. Lalk, Joan Breslin Larson, Scott Marfilius, Susan R. McCloskey, Penny R. Reed, and Joy Smiley Zabala.
To document learning, simply view an archived webinar and, upon completion of webinar viewing, request a certificate of contact hours.
Solutions, a state-of-the-art and cost effective resource, can also be used, and is being used, as a very successful electronic textbook in undergraduate and graduate courses.
What's included....
- FULL and REPEATED access to ALL ARCHIVED WEBINARS - Certificate of contact hours available upon completion of webinar viewing.
- Six bimonthly, online issues of Closing The Gap Solutions and access to all archived issues.
- Access to the acclaimed Closing The Gap Resource Directory - A guide to over 2,000 AT products for children and adults with disabilities.
More About the Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology [QIAT] book....

Audiences for this book include:
- Assistive technology service providers as they evaluate and constantly improve their services;
- Consumers of assistive technology services, including students and parents, as they seek adequate assistive technology services which meet their needs;
- Universities and professional developers as they conduct research and deliver programs that promote the development of the competencies needed to provide quality assistive technology services; and
- Policy makers as they attempt to develop judicious and equitable policies related to assistive technology services.
The development of the Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology (QIAT) began in the summer of 1998 when a number of assistive technology (AT) service providers gathered to share common concerns about the complexity of issues and processes related to AT training and service delivery.
In subsequent years, the QIAT group conducted online sessions, face-to-face summits, and other conference meetings with more than 4,000 AT providers from 17 countries and across the United States who provided insights and suggestions representing a variety of perspectives ranging from students and families to school staff and policy makers. These conversations (including more than 2,000 written responses) shaped and refined the Quality Indicators.
The QIAT Leadership Team includes 11 education professionals with extensive AT experience. They are (in alphabetical order): Gayl Bowser, Diana Foster Carl, Kelly S. Fonner, Terry Vernon Foss, Jane Edgar Korsten, Kathleen M. Lalk, Joan Breslin Larson, Scott Marfilius, Susan R. McCloskey, Penny R. Reed, and Joy Smiley Zabala.
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