All about Assistive Technology and the IEP
AT and the IEP - Featuring Lisa Lightner
Are you a parent or family member of a child with an IEP? Do you work with students with disabilities and their families? This family-oriented webinar will provide valuable ideas on how to advocate for assistive technology devices and services designed to help students be successful at school.
This Thursday
March 29th, 2018- 1:00pm EST
You can access the entire webinar archive as well as all upcoming CTD events by visiting
Resources on AT and the IEP
When meeting with the IEP team, parents are a child's most effective advocate. It's important that they be prepared and informed. This brief guide informs parents about assistive technology and the IEP. Also available in Spanish.
This fact sheet provides tips to help parents navigate the IEP process, particularly with respect to assistive technology.
This Infographic offers information and tips on how general education teachers conduct and follow through with Individualized education programs (IEP's).
There are many components to consider in assistive technology selection, such as student history, current needs, and future goals. This article from the Center for Parent Information and Resources gives step-by-step instructions to this process that all members of an IEP team can utilize.
This illustrated guide describes AT basics in user-friendly language. It discusses how to select AT devices and provides annotated photos of a wide range of AT options. This is a great starting point for those who want to learn about AT and teach others.